Whole Person Acupuncture

6527 21st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115(720) 515-0130

Japanese Structural Acupuncture treats the cause of physical pain, poor posture, and poor physical health. The effect is systemic, rapid and long lasting. Your body gains flexibility in each and every treatment. This has a profound impact on most internal chronic conditions, movement problems and immune function.


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How it works:

Your muscles and tendons relax as sites of pain are supplied with new blood. Pain is relieved. You gain a felt improvement in height and flexibility. Your back is straighter, hips, shoulders and neck fall into more natural alignment. You walk better, run better, swim, ski and bike better as a result. This style of acupuncture is practiced by only 30 acupuncturists around the United States. Contact me if you have questions, or book your session.


Who it's good for:

  • Anybody who engages in hard physical labor, constant standing or bad desk posture from computer use can benefit immediately. It also treats problems at the wrists, elbows, knees, fingers and joints.
  • It is perfect for athletes, dancers and other performers who have any kind of pain, movement or flexibility problem in their body.
  • Because of its rapid effects on the whole circulatory and endocrine system, it also has the profound benefit of treating all sorts of internal medical conditions. This includes problems with endocrinology, neurology, and organ function. Additionally it dramatically impacts your mood, mental agility and sense of vitality.


What looks different about the treatment:

Unlike common acupuncture treatments, this requires the practitioner work with you hands-on during the entire treatment. Needles are hardly ever left in your body and several hands on techniques are applied throughout the whole session. A significant amount of moxibustion is applied (stimulating acupuncture points with heat). This rapidly stimulates your immune system, increases circulation and new blood production.


Affect on Wellbeing:

Because the neurochemistry in your brain gets balanced, you're in a really good mood. Fresh new blood feeds your organs and cleans up old waste and damaged tissue. Your body renews itself and gets more vibrant. The results of a few treatments can last for months and sometimes years, and can heal the body on a deep level over a course of time. Each treatment restores you and builds on the last one.


Contact me if you have questions, or book your session now.




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(720) 515-0130


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