Whole Person Acupuncture

6527 21st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115(720) 515-0130

Did you know YOUR body requires a UNIQUE education?

One-size-fits all solutions do not fit everyone. You're custom built. You require completely different maintenance requirements. Everyone tells you how to lose weight, and we have all the fad diets and exercise plans. We're not missing more information. Who can tell you comprehensive what YOU are built for personally?

When you go to the doctor, they give you the same basic information. They may tell you to 'eat more kale', or go to the gym.

Chinese Medicine is very different:

Chinese medicine studies how an individual human being is designed to function. It understands unique maintenance requirements and reveals what will work to get your individual health to work for you.

Some of things we educate you on are:

  • Unique quantity of water for you
  • Unique dietary requirements for how your metabolism is burning nutrients
  • Unique way of moving designed for your anatomy and physiology
  • Unique way of thinking that will help you address the causes of imbalance and frequent challenges

When medicine is custom built for you, you perform better at work, feel healthy, and enjoy living your life more.

I diagnose these things in the shape of your body, your frame, the unique shape and details of your iris. I look at your tongue, the 12 pulse positions on your wrists, and get your back story. With such a comprehensive picture, I can guide you through a comprehensive maintenance plan for your health.

Then I give you a uniquely designed acupuncture treatment that is tailored to your specific condition. No two patients with your symptoms or condition receive the same treatment. A fully customize approach achieves the individual health you've always wanted for yourself.

Start feeling better, and performing at your best. Find out if Chinese medicine can help you feel your best.

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