Whole Person Acupuncture

6527 21st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115(720) 515-0130

Have you ever wondered why you think and feel the way you do?

You've probably known that your body and the mind are connected. You know the brain tells the body what to do, and the body sends information back to the brain for new decision-making. But did you know the same thing is possible in reverse?

When your body tells your mind what to do differently, your mind now does things differently, so you actually think and feel in a different way. You need a body in order to feel thoughts and emotions in it.

Most people tell you, 'change your mind, change your life' which actually feels difficult to do because of the body you'd have to do that in. Sometimes when you think differently, you begin to act differently, and this gives you a different perception of your body.

But, did you know that if you change the way your body feels, it actually changes how you feel inside your head about what's possible for you in your life? It turns out that the way you feel in your body is exactly the same as the way you feel inside your mind. When you don't know how to change your body, it makes it so hard to change your mind.

5,000 years of Chinese Medicine has known about this connection and designed a highly sophisticated system to manage thoughts and emotions by stimulating their related places of sensation inside the body. This system was so sophisticated that it was written down in 5,000 year old manuscripts and the knowledge passed down through oral tradition. The acupuncture effect could be triggered by knowing which specific "buttons" of the body control the human operating system of emotional and mental self-expression.

They found out that if you carried around a worried, frightened, angry, sad, or grieving body - this emotion had a physical place where it felt stuck. Certain emotions would play like broken records, and often we wouldn't know how they originally got there unless we used a lot of intellectual effort and talk therapy. Even if we did all that work, there would be no guarantee we'd know how to 'unstick' the same old feelings from inside a body which no longer needed to feel that way.

When you get a good treatment - something magic happens. Because you no longer feel tight, knotted, lifeless, numb, in pain, or exhausted, you gain access to a new repertoire of what you can do. You gain a freedom to feel new things which you'd forgotten you could feel again. How is it you went from feeling a certain way one second, and then a completely differently way now?

Turns out that fresh oxygen and blood flow reaches places you didn't have access to before, so you find your body naturally gives you fresh ideas about old situations. You start getting curious about what is possible because you can no 'go there' in your body. You have a felt sense of being 'refreshed' and enlivened by a fresh, limber, pain free body. You therefore feel yourself gain access to new reserves of energy.

Because of the brain/body connection, your body tells your brain that it needs different things to function. Now your mind begins to give you new ideas about what you can do to meet life's challenges in a fresh way. The new ways of "being" in the world now feel easy and perfectly natural.

Because you feel very differently in your body, you actually 'are' different. Your thoughts and feelings and body sensations all agree. A new unity of purpose is achieved between your body, mind and spirit.

You start doing again what a healthy body naturally wants you to do. You move better, eat better, sleep better, and respond better to life stressors. You bounce back, have more spring in your step, and have a smile on your face like you used to.

You feel connected again to your body. Because the two of you finally agree about what needs to be done, you're no longer divided. You have a unified purpose. Because of this, things feel easier, more natural and fulfilling. As a result you begin to thrive again and lead a fresher and automatically fulfilling life.

I help you achieve this, and give you tools and techniques to restore this connection in yourself with practices you can do in any setting. You learn to achieve these results yourself and teach others.

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