Whole Person Acupuncture

6527 21st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115(720) 515-0130

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture:

Many of us experience stress which can impact our peace of mind. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is a highly sophisticated form of acupuncture which understands that every human being has one true cause of stress and disease which stems from spirit not being fully integrated with their lives. This lack of integration can cause great distress, discomfort, unhappiness, alienation and disease in the modern world.

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture (CFEA) frees up a person's habitual response to life's challenges. As a therapy, it can ease a great deal of existential pain and suffering by providing access to new ways of relating to our stressful situations.

CFEA works by addressing the biological cause for stuck thoughts and emotions. By treating the unique root imbalance, people experience a change in their quality of life as old patterns dissolve. New ways of relating to old situations becomes available.

When the symptoms of stress no longer impact our body, physical symptoms of distress also clear up naturally. As a result, clients experience a greater connection to their natural health, vitality and emotional wellbeing.

Profound Mechanism of Action:

Because of the two-way connection between the body and the brain, it is possible to affect thoughts, feelings and emotions using the mechanism of acupuncture.

Rather than verbally processing situations (like in talk therapy), or suggesting what emotions can be felt (like positive visualization), CFEA physically reminds the body what feelings are actually possible. Emotions which the person couldn't access before become available. This may include things like more ease, joy, courage, clarity, and passion.

The effect occurs because of changes in electrical firing, neurotransmitter release, and eventual changes in neurochemistry.

When we remove the physical blocks which can a person to feel stuck in an outdated and painful way of feeling and thinking, the person finds they spontaneously have access to parts of themselves from which they were previously disconnected.

A new sense of vitality, freedom, self-expression and peace of mind start to arise naturally and spontaneously. The effect is similar to when you get a new idea, a new inspiration or discovery.

Nothing has changed about the circumstance, but a new relationship to the idea came spontaneously from inside you, and now you and your body feels differently about what needs to be done. This effect occurs spontaneously and naturally, and can have a transforming effect on a person's quality of life and physical health.

You literally gain a new posture or stance to life and start to move in the world differently. You body transforms, you heal, and grow more vital and alive. The experience of living life vibrantly transforms you.

Access Renewed Vitality and Creativity:

Often times we may feel struck in our lives, or not quite sure how we will handle certain difficult situations. Often times, we may just want more energy and creativity to we can go beyond where we are in our lives.

CFEA greatly benefits individuals who wish to feel at their best, feel more connected with their bodies, and to generally perform better in all areas of their life and feel more alive.

Accelerate Mental Health Counseling:

CFEA can also help individuals who are undergoing counseling, psychotherapy, meditation or drug therapies for any number of reasons. It can help accelerate results obtained from these other therapies and can vibrantly increase a person's quality of life.

Chronic stuck emotions start to diminish, become less congested, and clear up more quickly and naturally. Many clients start to move forward in therapy with a greater sense of ease, emotional resilience, and flexibility.

They often have a greater sense of being in greater control of their emotional response to existing life circumstances. As a result, new ways of acting become available spontaneously. People find they have a better access to finding their own solutions. Things which were previously insurmountable now become easier and more natural.

Over time this can cause individuals to transform their lives and relationship to life circumstances.

How Treatment Looks Different:

Sessions are typically longer than most other styles of acupuncture treatment and require the practitioner work with you during the entire treatment session. Diagnosis involves sophisticated understanding of various physical signs and symptoms expressed by your body.

Needles are hardly ever left in your body, and the practitioner is constantly adjusting treatment throughout the session. A significant amount of moxibustion is applied (stimulating acupuncture points with heat). This rapidly stimulates your immune system, increases circulation and new blood production. Sessions are typically longer than most acupuncture.

Affect on Mood an Physiology:

After you get treated you feel like you have more emotional and physical backbone. Because of this, you have new energy, willpower and desire to do things differently so you begin to make healthier choices more naturally.

Because the neurochemistry in your brain gets balanced, you're in a better mood. Fresh new blood feeds your organs and cleans up old waste and damaged tissue. Your body renews itself and gets more vibrant. The results of a few treatments can last for months and sometimes years, and can heal the body on a deep level over a course of time. Each treatment restores you and builds on the last one.

Clients often feel that their emotions and life circumstances no longer control them. They often have a greater sense of being in greater control of their emotional response to existing life circumstances. As a result, new ways of acting become available spontaneously. People find they have a better access to finding their own solutions. Things which were previously insurmountable now become easier and more natural.

Over time this can cause individuals to transform their lives and relationship to life circumstances.

Contact me if you have questions, or book your session now.

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